Life on the other side of the pond

Friday, May 27, 2005

Movies in the burbs of London

I went to see Star Wars Episode III last night. Now most of you who know me know that I have a love hate relationship with Star Wars. Love the concept, hate the acting/dialogue. So I went into the movie with low expectations: I would enjoy the concept and ignore the inane love scenes. That part worked out... what didn't work out was the movie experience.

Have you ever been to a movie theatre that assigns seats? I did last night. I was sitting in K 13. When my friend first told me that the seats were assigned, I was appalled. What if we were up front? On the side? With a blocked view? If you've ever been to a movie with me you realize how important this is to me! Luckily we were centre aisle seats. Relief... until I sat down. I didn't fit!! Now I know I'm not that tall, but apparently the tops of my legs are really long.... 'cause the just wouldn't fit. I had to hang them out in the aisle while trying not to kick the seat in front of me. Didn't really succeed.

Have I mentioned that it's been really hot in London this past few days... really hot and muggy, not that I'm complaining. Anyway, the cinema didn't have air conditioning. So here I am crammed into a midget seat, my legs awkwardly out in the aisle, watching a movie I knew would kinda suck and I've got sweat dripping down my back. All in all a very bad experience.

Why you might ask yourselves is she telling me all this? Just so you'll believe me when I tell you... Don't ever go see a movie in the burbs of London!!! The burbs are old... towns that have been joined to London in it's expansion. They're not like the North American burbs with multiplexes and big box malls. The movie theatres are converted real theatres from years ago and they suck!


At 6:56 pm, Blogger Janjik said...

I'm picturing you squished in your seat, rolling your eyes as Padmé hugs are the snacks at the theatre??? Are they edible at least?


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