Life on the other side of the pond

Friday, June 03, 2005

Waiting Game

So I've appliedto several jobs, have sent my CV (must remember not to say resume!!!) to multiple agencies, called said agencies... and now I wait. I'm not enjoying this waiting game. I feel so powerless... like there's nothing I can do. One agent suggested that I not work with so many agencies as in two weeks I would probably be overwhelmed with interviews. I look forward to that day.

I never thought that I'd say this, but I really do want to work. I'm bored to tears!!! I know, I know... I should be using this time to explore London. Well I would, except for the mullah!! It costs me about $12 a day just to get in and out of London and with the job search looking like it might take a while I need to conserve. So I've become a real fan of Charmed and Animal Planet... sad... this is what my "exciting" life in London has become!!


At 10:54 pm, Blogger Janjik said...

Hey you,
I just wanted to let you know that I linked you to my blogger site.

At 5:03 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey there,well i hope you find a job are not missing too much in canada.over here on ab the weather is so parents got evacuated from there house.then on the way into town,rolled there car.but everything is fine.i will keep reading your blogs to see how you are doing.behave.miss gerwien

At 5:05 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i meant in ab not on


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