Life on the other side of the pond

Tuesday, June 21, 2005


I’ve reached the end of my rope. This whole London thing is just no fun. I’m not a martyr; I don’t feel as if I need to stick it out just to prove something to myself. The idea behind coming here was to change environments and have some fun. I’ve changed environments but I’ve been miserable for the past month. Not worth it.

I’ve decided to leave my future up to fate. Last week I applied to about 15 jobs. I’ve given myself 2 weeks to hear back from any one of the employers. If I don’t hear anything by the end of the two weeks, I will be heading home. I can’t tell you how much relief I felt once I had made this decision. Fate will take care of me. I’ll either go home – (good option) or get a job in London (another good option). It’s a win win situation!

In the meantime I’ve decided to enjoy the rest of my stay. I’ve booked a trip to Paris for the weekend, planning on going to Wimbledon, Leeds castle and hoping to get to Wales – maybe next weekend. One thing I will not be doing is sitting by the phone waiting for an employer to call!


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