Life on the other side of the pond

Thursday, June 30, 2005

Paris in June

Paris... what a great city!! Definitely up there at the top of my favorite cities. I spent the whole weekend walking around. There's so much to see that you never have enough time. I confess, I spent a little time shopping as well. Your mind really does play tricks on you... I've been living on the pound for so long that when I got to Paris the euro seemed really cheap. Plus it was the sale week... how can you pass that up!! The shops also gave me respite from the unbearable heat. If I have any complaints about my weekend it was the heat. I swear it was over 35 everyday and humid beyond belief. I popped into a movie theatre to take advantage of the air con - at this point both my shirt and pants were soaked through with sweat - only to find out (once seated) that the AC wasn't working!! Aaaahhh!! I really do miss North America and all it's modern convenience - AC everywhere!!

But enough moaning, Paris as I said is a beautiful city. The architecture is phenomenal - even in the dingiest parts of the city, the buildings where great. I strolled along the Champs Elysee - stopping in the shops of course! - to the Arc de Triomphe ;) Sat around the fountain at the Gardins de Tuileries while enjoying a creme glacee, visited the Palais du Louvre as well as the Tour Eiffel, enjoyed the view from the Trocadero and finally sat a cafe and just did some people watching while my waiter kept calling me "jeune fille". I even strolled along the rue St-Denis and had flashbacks of Montreal, it was fantastic!

Contrary to popular belief, the people were very friendly. I even had some guy stop and ask if I needed help when I standing on a corner looking puzzled. Ladies if ever you needed some male attention, Paris is the place to go. Can't tell you how many times I was approached, complimented and asked if I would like some company. Very good for the ego!!

I recommend Paris to anyone who hasn't been and to those who have go back!! This was my third time there and I swear I discovered new things.


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