Life on the other side of the pond

Thursday, June 30, 2005

That's All Folks!

Well, I'm going home. As per my last entry I had decided to leave my decision up to fate. I was going to wait two weeks and see what happened. It's a little short of two weeks and I've decided to leave - tomorrow. Home in time for Canada day!!

Now don't go feeling bad for me, I actually feel this is the right decision. I'm gonna get all philosophical now so bear with me, but I think I came to London looking for something and when I got here I realized it wasn't here. What I discovered it that I'm finally ready to settle down. How weird is that... me... settle down. I'm actually at a point in my life where I want a career and to develop that career. I really miss the mental stimulation and the sense of pride in my job. Can't believe I'm saying this as just 6 months ago I was convinced I would never be a career girl again. But it's true, so I figured I'd ride this wave for as long as it lasts.

I'm really quite excited about going home. I've even been seriously thinking about saving up and buying myself a place in Toronto. Strangely my travel bug has disappeared - well not completely, but at least the one that makes me want to leave for long periods at a time.

So anyone who knows anyone in TO, I'd love to give you my resume!!!


At 4:10 pm, Blogger Janjik said...

It will be good to have you back, well sort of. You're still in T.O but at least I have a chance of seeing you there...When will you pop by again? My place is pretty much ready for visitors, the hide-a-bed's ready and so is the pool. U R welcome anytime chiquita! By the way, in case you didn't know...Pat move to T.O as well! Just over a month ago.Ttys.


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